Business Operations + Strategy

4E will work with you to build a strong operations and strategy framework, enabling your business to stay ahead in today’s highly competitive landscape.

  • Whether it is attaining a specific milestone, learning a new skill, or improving habits, goal setting empowers you to dream big and work towards turning those aspirations into reality.

  • Creating a roadmap for your business is vital. Whether you need a 6 or 9 even 12 month strategic plan, we can craft a detailed plan with measurable goals and tactics.

  • Have a part of your process that is not running smoothly? Or there is a breakdown in communication or you keep hitting roadblocks? Let’s together uncover the complexity of the problem and establish a new framework.

  • Want to cut down on the number of emails you receive or want to communicate without having to repeat yourself? Do you spend half your time shuffling papers? Let’s simplify this, so you can spend time doing what you love instead.

  • The heartbeat of every business is their financial systems. Within an overall assessment I will give recommendations that can improve the health of the organization.

  • Feel like you have mastered the inner workings of your business but need some help with your client experience. How do you make your clients feel special? We will dive right into your ideal client and how you can boost their experience.

  • Want to take your business to the next level? Identifying key influential people within the industry is the stepping stone to achieving further success. I will work with you to establish that foundation.

  • improving team cohesion through effective communication, conflict resolution, and shared goal alignment. By implementing tailored strategies and leadership development programs, we empower your workforce to collaborate more effectively, leading to increased productivity and sustainable growth for your business.

Brand Producer

Lean on 4E to help you create a strong and well-defined brand that represents your company’s unique identity, values, and offerings.

  • A strong and consistent brand voice helps build trust, loyalty, and recognition among customers.

    Whether it's through written content, advertising, or social media, a well-defined brand voice helps convey the brand's values, beliefs, and mission.

  • Creating a brand strategy is a critical step in establishing and maintaining a strong, recognizable identity for your company. I will outline the unique attributes and values of the brand, as well as the target audience and desired positioning in the market.

  • A playbook serves as a comprehensive guide that outlines the organization's communication goals, key messaging, target audience, and the appropriate channels for each situation. It also includes strategies for handling internal and external communications, crisis management protocols, and guidelines for maintaining consistent brand voice and identity.

    By developing and following a communications playbook, businesses can ensure clear and consistent messaging across all platforms, enhance transparency, build trust with stakeholders, and effectively respond to any communication challenges or crises that may arise.

  • Messaging and visuals, allow the brand to resonate with its audience and stand out from the competition.

  • Just starting out and want to take your clients through a tailored and customized experience. We will collaborate and create a detailed experience that will be unforgettable!

  • At the end of a project capturing photography can be a daunting task. Leave it to me to create and produce a shot list, provide styling recommendations and overall direction for the shoot. Or don’t have time to be there, I can oversee everything day of

Financial Commitment

Consulting services start at $1,000 per month with a 3-month minimum contract.
Drop-in 90 minute consultations are available for $250 per consult.

These are the types of businesses I serve.

Mom Entrepreneurs


Custom Home Builders

Interior Designers

Home Industry Showrooms

Drawing from over 16 years of specialized experience in the luxury home industry, I provide expert guidance tailored to the unique needs of entrepreneurs like you. Through strategic analysis and practical solutions, I aim to simplify the complexities of business ownership, allowing you to focus your energy on driving growth and innovation. Together, we'll streamline processes, optimize resources, and develop effective strategies to propel your business forward. Rest assured, you're not alone on this journey. I understand the highs and lows of running a business firsthand, both of my parents are entrepreneurs and I even married one! From the exhilaration of landing a major client to the challenges of overcoming setbacks, I've navigated it all. My firsthand experience equips me with the empathy and insight needed to guide you towards success with confidence and clarity.